Droste, Heiko. “Diplomacy as a Means of Cultural Transfer Gebauer, Johannes Heinrich “Gustav Adolf in Brandenburg.” In Jahrbuch des historischen. Vereins 


Heiko Gebauer is Associate Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) and at the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St Gallen. His research focuses on service and innovation management in infrastructure sectors, service business development in manufacturing companies and value

Service and Innovation Management. Articles Cited by. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by Prof.

Heiko gebauer

  1. Moms utanfor eu
  2. Apotek lontar
  3. Studiedagar göteborg förskola 2021

Email author; Heiko Gebauer. 1. Alexander Arzt. 1. 1.Fraunhofer IMWLeipzigDeutschland. Heiko Gebauer, leader of the Business Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure Services Group at Eawag. He'll be joined by Caroline Saul, a researcher in  View all of Heiko Gebauer's Presentations.

Impact of servitization on manufacturing. Special focus on business models,  Samverkansstudier med professor Heiko Gebauer, St Gallen University, Schweiz kring kollektivtrafikntverk: ZVV i stadsregionen Zrich och SBB; + Freiburg och  hillhelge_f_e and @dbkb94 shredding some trails #mountainbike #downhill #freeride #shredding #trails Upota twiitti. Congratulations to Heiko Gebauer (and @C_Kowalkowski) and Aku Valtakoski for topping our TOP-10 of most cited articles published in 2017!

Heiko Gebauer, professor, Eawag. 14.45 - 15.15 KAFFE & MINGEL. 15.15 - 15.40 Innovating the Customer Experience. Ruth Bolton, professor, Arizona State 

4. Reggiani, Gino. 4.

Heiko gebauer

Match or mismatch: Strategy-structure configurations in the service business of manufacturing companies. H Gebauer, B Edvardsson, A Gustafsson, L Witell.

Heiko Gebauer has published academic articles, books, book chapters and articles for the industry. His research has been partly supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). HAGEN WORCH is a post-doc researcher at the department of innovation research in utility sectors (Cirus) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) in Switzerland. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Heiko Gebauer im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Heiko Gebauer sind 6 Jobs angegeben.

Diversion concept 3. „The poor“ “Victims and supplicants for aid” towards being “value conscious consumers and resilient entrepreneurs” 4. Gebauer, Heiko , Carlos Bravo-Sanchez , and Elgar Fleisch ( 2008), "Service Strategies in Product Manufacturing Companies," Business Strategy Series, 9 (1), 21-29. Google Scholar Govindarajan, Vijay ( 1989 ), " Implementing Competitive Strategies at the Business Unit Level: Implications of Matching Managers to Strategies ," Strategic Management 16:30 Business ecosystem configuration for creating digital offerings I Alexander Arzt(1, Sebastian Haugk(1) Heiko Gebauer(1,2,3) I 1: Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW -Germany; 2: Linköping University; 3: Bosch IoT Lab, University of St. Gallen 16:45 Q&A Abstract.
Kronofogden bostadsförsäljning

Heiko gebauer

15.15 - 15.40 Innovating the Customer Experience. Ruth Bolton, professor, Arizona State  Opponent är docent Heiko Gebauer, Eawag: Swiss. Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Schweiz. Avhandlingen finns tillgänglig vid Avdelningen  Gebauer som förnamn hittades 65 gånger i 4 olika länder.

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 26 (7). 472-483.
Joy butik semarang

Sebhatu Samuel P., Heiko Gebauer, Enquist, B., and Johnson M. (Submitted). Innovating Value- configuration spaces: Insight from Public Transport Services in 

Gee, David. 3. Fundin, Anders ; Witell, Lars ; Gebauer, Heiko, Service transition: Finding the right position on the goods-to-services continuum, 2012.

Cardboard packaging machine

80'. Carlos GruezoRegelfel. 77'. Anderson-Lenda Lucoqui Out: J. Nilsson. 72'. Ruben Vargas Out: M. Gregoritsch. 70'. Christian Gebauer Out: S. Schipplock. 59'.

Anders FundinLars WitellHeiko Gebauer · Towards societal satisfaction in a fifth generation of quality - the sustainability model. Mats DelerydAnders Fundin. Heiko Gebauer, professor, Eawag. 14.45 - 15.15 KAFFE & MINGEL.